Public Safety
Keeping our citizens safe is the most important function of Local Government. I will work with the Sherriff, District Attorney, Corrections, & Emergency Management to help keep Shawnee County a safe place to live and visit.

Road Maintenance
​Proper preservation of our County roads & bridges is essential. I believe that by placing an emphasis on keeping our current roads in good shape we can save millions of dollars in future replacement costs.

Topeka is fortunate to be a Capital city. We need to continue to find ways to utilize assets like the Stormont-Vail Events Center, Bettis Sports Complex, and the Evergy Plaza to attract people from outside the city.
Population Growth
Shawnee County's population has been stagnate for decades. We need more young people choosing to live & raise families here. A robust workforce will attract and retain quality businesses.
Parks & Recreation
Quality parks are a cornerstone of any successful community. Addressing deferred maintenance and modernizing facilities are key components in building family-friendly neighborhoods.

The Arts
We have a thriving arts scene in Topeka that rivals any Midwestern city. Continuing the success in NOTO, as well as supporting TPAC and Jayhawk Theater are important factors in the future vision for Topeka.